Adding a Subscription Plan

When you create a subscription in Projectopia using the Subscriptions Add-On, you can choose to enter your own custom line items (a bit like an invoice), or you can assign fixed plans to your subscriptions. Subscription plans are useful because if you want to make a change to them it will automatically reflect in all subscriptions that use the selected plan.

Subscription plans can also be displayed in the Client Dashboard so that your clients can sign up to them of their own accord. We’ll run through how these functions work in this article.

Creating a Subscription Plan

To start, let’s create a subscription plan. You can find your plans under the Subscriptions link in the Projectopia admin dashboard.

To create a new plan, click the New Subscription Plan button

Set the title, description, frequency, payment gateway and whether or not the plan should be shown in the Client Dashboard (see below for more information on this).

When creating a plan, the payment gateway and frequency are only used for clients who sign up to the plan via the client dashboard. For subscriptions created by an admin, these settings are overriden in the subscription.

When you’re done. click Update Subscription Plan.

You’re now ready to add your line items. These work in a similar way to invoices, you can add as many line items as you wish and these will be applied to any subscription that uses this plan.

For ease of access, the subscription plans page will also show any subscriptions that use the plan.

Once you’re done, update your plan and you’re ready to move on to Adding a Subscription.

Subscription Plans and the Client Dashboard

If you have chosen to show your subscription plans in the client dashboard then your clients will be able to subscribe to them when they are logged in via the Subscription Plans menu in their dashboard.

Once a client has clicked Subscribe, a new subscription will be created for them which they will need to activate. See Managing Subscriptions on the Client Side for more information.