Projectopia Core Changelog / Roadmap

Version 4.3.13 [10 June 2021]

* Bug: Fixed the issue of some undefined variables and duplicate ID
* Bug: Fixed the issue of client name not appearing in quote.
* Bug: Fixed the issue of changed Metabox ID to prevent Duplicate Div Issue.
* Bug: Fixed the issue of tasks disappearing after sorting.
* Bug: Fixed the issue of some string not translatable.
* Enhancement: Added condition to fix the notification of payment on invoice send to Sales and Accounts email issue of subscription addon.
* Enhancement: Added hook to integrate the client area addon.

Version 4.3.12 [4 March 2021]

* Bug : Fixed the issue of invoice being sent incorrectly after Project marked as sign off.
* Bug: Fixed translation issue with some texts.
* Bug: Fixed PHP notice while creating WordPress post or page.
* Bug: Fixed inability to uncheck Activate Milestones, tasks and Invoicing in support ticket.
* Bug: Fixed various issues with WordPress 5.6.
* Bug: Fixed incorrect Quote URL parameter inside email notification.
* Bug: Fixed fatal error while uploading Project file in PHP 8.
* Feature : Added

Version 4.3.11 [14 December 2020]

* Bug : Fixed Unable to activate Projectopia - Twilio Integration plugin
* Bug : Fixed the issue of incorrect start and end date of project.
* Bug : Fixed inability to edit task in Safari browser.
* Bug : Fixed various time and date issues with reoccurring invoice.
* Bug: Fixed recurring Invoice not sending on creation.
* Bug: Fixed recurring invoice not sent according to time on next issue.
* Bug: Fixed Invoice with manual add payment does not show up in Projectopia Client's dashboard.
* Feature: Added option to add a file to a task from the project edit page.

Version 4.3.10 [28 December 2020]

* Bug : Fixed the inability to create bug report while using bug tracker addon.
* Bug: Fixed the issue of new support tickets created marked as resolved.
* Bug : Fixed Partial payment for invoice is not working.
* Bug : Fixed Support ticket table sorting issue in client dashboard.
* Bug : Fixed creation of new project for un-linked WooCommerce product.
* Bug : Fixed PHP warnings in Costs and Invoices for a project in Projectopia Client's user interface.
* Bug : Fixed PHP notices in Project Updates on dashboard.
* Enhancement : Made all tables remember the number of items to show.

Version 4.3.9 [14 December 2020]

* Bug : Fixed Missing number in "Show" dropdown in support ticket.
* Bug : Fixed View invoice link from email notification not working.
* Bug : Fixed Invoice with partial/increment manual payment not being marked as paid.
* Bug : Fixed the inability to  remove text in ticket notes from a support ticket.
* Bug : Fixed Ad Hoc task not showing up under my task or all tasks.
* Bug : Fixed Task without Project not showing up under All Tasks or My Tasks.
* Bug : Fixed incorrect recoding of  Start Time and End Time in task timer.
* Bug : Fixed strange characters appearing in project brief while using Google recaptcha.
* Bug : Fixed Invalid deadline check message.
* Bug : Fixed missing email address for team member contact details.
* Bug : Fixed Projectopia Client dashboard mobile menu bugs.
* Bug : Fixed capturing of  Recaptcha response in submitted lead form content.
* Bug : Fixed issue with deleting a project message.

Version 4.3.8 [01 September 2020]

* Bug : Fixed invoice payments while using PayPal sandbox.
* Bug : Fixed issue where enter key deletes support ticket.
* Bug : Fixed invoice item subtotal.
* Bug : Fixed issue while emailing invoices to client.
* Bug : Fixed php notices in custom support ticket status.
* Bug : Fixed sending recurring invoice on creation.
* Bug : Fixed client dashboard logo hidden issue when scrolling down and back up.
* Enhancement : Added more details to time entries in a task.
* Enhancement : Added ability to delete all logs in Project Updates metabox.

Version 4.3.7 [15 August 2020]

* Bug : Fixed compatibility issues with WordPress 5.5
* Bug : Fixed FAQ section on client's dashboard.
* Bug : Fixed duplicate footer issue in invoice.
* Bug : Fixed issues while viewing resolved tickets in client's dashboard
* Bug : Fixed issues with Paypal payment for subscriptions in client dashboard.
* Bug : Added the Indonesian, Indian, and New Taiwan currency to the Supplier Currency list
* Bug : Fixed php notices and warnings.
* Feature : Added shortcode in FAQ answer.
* Enhancement : Replace mail settings label with documentation link.

Version 4.3.6 [04 August 2020]

* Enhancement: Added preview button when someone editing project/task.
* Enhancement: Added missing edit task icon and popup for tasks in a Project.
* Enhancement: Added option to list projects by last update time.
* Bug: Fixed Manual Date time entry and Reporting Addon issue.
* Bug: Fixed option for Currency to be Set Per Supplier.
* Bug: Fixed Resolved tickets showing up among other status.
* Bug: Fixed timezone issues by using WordPress Timezone option.
* Bug: Fixed missing Tasks/Sub Tasks when re-assigned to a different milestone.
* Bug: Fixed issue where deleting support ticket created via email piping does not delete it's attachment.
* Bug: Fixed issue where system accepts invalid deadline.
* Bug: Fixed issue where user is unable to apply milestone template to a support ticket.
* Bug: Fixed Support tickets table sorting issues.
* Bug: Fixed issue where Days Until Launch in Client's Projects table is wrong.

Version 4.3.5 [13 May 2020]

* Feature: Added date option for manual time entries in the task.
* Feature: Added Google reCaptcha in client login and registration form.
* Feature: Added Indonesian Currency option.
* Enhancement: Avatar upload option in Current active WP theme client profile.
* Enhancement: Improve an Income/Expenditure by Month widget filter options.
* Enhancement: Redirect to quote list on clicking "Cancel Quote/Estimate".
* Enhancement: Improved envato register form design for Projectopia client dashboard theme.
* Bug: Fixed bell icon notification in project message for client.
* Bug: Fixed creation of duplicate client for new client registration.
* Bug: Fixed infinite loading issue on Resend Quote/Estimate.
* Bug: Fixed issues when creating a new project.
* Bug: Fixed team members/clients online status issue.
* Bug: Fixed notice/fatal errors on an edit of quote tasks.

Version 4.3.4 [27 Apr 2020]

* Feature: Add Google reCaptcha in Lead and Quote forms.
* Feature: Add persistent cache option for project filter selection.
* Enhancement: Add quote email attachment as PDF version.
* Enhancement: Create support tickets from unknown email.
* Enhancement: Bulk delete for support tickets.
* Enhancement: Rename Test date option to an appropriate name.
* Bug: Remove autofill for billing email in client details page.
* Bug: Fix empty subject email support ticket of client.
* Bug: Fix creating of client from client page.
* Bug: Fix email notification of quote form.
* Bug: Fix quote new message email notification for client.

Version 4.3.3 [30 Mar 2020]

* Feature: Ability to customize support ticket priorities
* Enhancement: Quote form edit page enhancements
* Enhancement: Saving settings page active tab
* Enhancement: Added Indian and New Taiwan Currency Options
* Bug: Supplier Addon - Fix table formatting proper
* Bug: Remove preview buttons from all CPT in backend.
* Bug: Project edit popup cancel button redirecting on dashboad
* Bug: Front-end quote form is not getting clean after submission

Version 4.3.2 [12 Mar 2020]

* Feature: Introduce Setup Wizard
* Feature: New quote email notification.
* Enhancement: Add quote messaging in wp theme for client
* Enhancement: Automatically delete upload files when support ticket has been deleted
* Enhancement: Add Multiple Team members to project at once
* Bug: Editing recurring invoice
* Bug: ID shows up in task instead of assigned Client name when using current wp theme for PTO client dashboard
* Bug: Bug as duplicate team member assigned on same project
* Bug: Email sending issue
* Bug: Fix notice/warnings in mpdf library
* Bug: Projectopia admin does not get notification on support ticket replies from customer.

Version 4.3.1 [2 Mar 2020]

* Bug: Extra slashes in javascript file URL
* Bug: Projectopia select box style
* Bug: Mobile Menu Icon
* Bug: Unable to delete milestone with missing ID
* Bug: Conflict with Third Party Plugin
* Bug: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function imap_open()
* Feature: Add Custom CSS Tab in Settings
* Bug: Fix notice error in admin
* Bug: Adding a new user doesn't show up on Clients list
* Bug: Getting errors in client dashboard
* Feature: Messaging system for quote
* Feature: Task timer notes
* Bug: Error in time calculation for task
* Bug: Adding a new user doesn't show up on team member list
* Enhancement :Bulk operation for converting users to clients and team member
* Enhancement :Invoice is not in RTL layout when a RTL language is used in WordPress

Version 4.3.0 [2nd Feb 2020]

- Bug: Broken watching.png image
- Bug: Deadline offset not working properly in milestone template
- Bug: Multiple file upload is not working in quote form
- Feature: Update Form Builder library
- Feature: Ability to customize support ticket status
- Bug: PTO Admin is not able to assign task to client in Project UI
- Bug: Arabic Characters showing up as ????? in downloaded invoice PDF file
- Bug: 404 javascript link
- Bug: Task Timer
- Bug: PHP session causes error in WordPress health check
- Bug: Recurring Invoice - Invoice not send
- Bug: Invoice Status - stripe payment

Version 4.2.1 [14th Dec 2019]

- NEW - Stripe SCA support

Version 4.2.0 [14th Oct 2019]

- NEW - Show tasks due within 3 days with orange background / border
- NEW - Add option to move closed projects to bottom of projects list
- NEW - Add option to show only deadlines on the calendar
- Add sorting options to team dashboard projects list
- NEW - Add filtering by category to team dashboard projects list
- NEW - Milestone dates change automatically based on earliest start date and latest deadline of tasks within it
- NEW - Automatically adjust dates of tasks / subtasks based on changes made to task deadlines before it
- NEW - Add ordering by title or date in projects list
- NEW - Require team members to accept or reject tasks that are assigned to them by an adminShow tasks due within 3 days with orange background / border

Version 4.1.3 [28th March 2019]

- FIX - Small bug fixes from previous version
- NEW - Overdue Tasks appear red throughout admin side (sponsored by Spade Designs)
- NEW - All Files Admin List (sponsored by Spade Designs)
- NEW - Custom colours for Projects / Milestones / Tasks in the Calendar (sponsored by Spade Designs)
- NEW - Stripe iDEAL integration for Dutch payments (sponsored by flevodesignbureau)

Version 4.1.1 [28th January 2019]

- FIX - Set Password Bug in Client Registration
- FIX - Display/Styling bug in Contract / Quote Preview

Version 4.1 [8th January 2019]

- NEW - Leads System with Gravity Form Integration
- NEW - Show Role in Team Member List
- NEW - Show Photo in Team Member List
- NEW - Show Photo in Client List
- NEW - Custom Fields in Tasks
- NEW - New Notifications System
- NEW - Invoice Due Tag in Invoice Emails
- NEW - Override Invoice Terms Per Invoice
- NEW - Awaiting Reply Status in Tickets
- NEW - Dropdowns to Quick Edit Start / End Dates & Assignee on Tasks
- NEW - Sortable Admin Support Tickets Table
- NEW - Ability to remove decimals in currency
- NEW - Task Add Time - Hour and Minute Drop Downs
- NEW - Client Registration on Login Screen
- NEW - FAQ System in Support Tickets Area
- NEW - Upload File Directly to Project in Client Dashboard
- NEW - Billing email address for clients
- NEW - Separate Summary page for recurring invoices
- NEW - Editable team members in projects
- NEW - Calendars in Team Member Admin Pages
- NEW - Client custom fields and files in Cient Dashboard
- FIX - Minor Bug Fixes

Version 4.0.7 [13th June 2018]

- NEW - Updated for compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce Add-On
- FIXED - Some small Bug Fixes

Version 4.0.5 [3rd May 2018]

- NEW - Added option to show checkboxes on frontend forms for T&Cs and Privacy Policy
- NEW - Added option to approve new clients before login details are sent out.
- FIXED - Some small Bug Fixes

Version 4.0.4 [19th April 2018]

- NEW - Update for Compatibility with Subscriptions Add-On
- FIXED - Some small Bug Fixes

Version 4.0.1 [12th March 2018]

- FIXED - Issue with language file includes
- FIXED - Issue in Stripe Payments

Version 4 [8th March 2018]

- FIXED - Some small bugs
- NEW - mPDF Version 7
- NEW - PHP 7.2 Support
- NEW - Custom Client Dashboard Alerts
- NEW - Business Opening Hours with Support Notify and Shortcode
- NEW - Team & Client Profiles with Photo Upload
- NEW - Assignees in Milestone / Task Templates
- NEW - Task Assignee Switcher in Admin Tasks List
- NEW - Bulk Assign Tasks by Milestone
- NEW - Toggle Milestone Task Views
- NEW - Notification Email File Attachments in Tickets & Tasks
- NEW - Multiple Milestone Templates in Projects
- NEW - Client "Seen" Status on Ticket Updates
- NEW - Single Click Invoice Downloads in Admin & Client Dashboard
- NEW - Custom Fields in Invoices and Clients
- NEW - New Admin Dropdown Menu
- NEW - Manual Quote to Project Converter
- NEW - Editable Invoice Payment Dates
- NEW - Invoice Prefixes
- NEW - New Invoice Design
- NEW - New User Conversion Links
- NEW - Add Invoice Sent to Project Timeline

Version 3.2.2 [13th September 2017]

- NEW - Added Support for Upcoming Reporting Plugin

Version 3.2.1 [8th September 2017]

- NEW - Added Support for Upcoming Suppliers / Expenses Plugin
- FIX - Minor bug fixes from v3.2

Version 3.2 [1st September 2017]

- NEW - PHP7 Support (Fully Tested with Error Display On)
- NEW - Project lists in Client Admin Pages
- NEW - Default Settings Import on Activation
- NEW - Disable Contract Feature Per Client
- FIXED - Minor Bug Fixes from 3.1
- CHANGE - Impovements to CQPIM Client Dashboard Invoicing

Version 3.1 [7th August 2017]

- NEW - Redesigned Admin and Client Dashboards
- NEW - New Invoice Template Design
- NEW - CC address for outgoing emails
- NEW - HTML Email Template system

Version 3.0.5 [27th June 2017]

- NEW - Direct Messaging System
- NEW - Client Dashboard design improvements

Version 3.0.1 [13th June 2017]

- FIXED - Missing Menu Toggle in Admin for Team Members
- FIXED - Email Encoding Issue on Outgoing Emails
- FIXED - Button Styling Conflict in WordPress 4.8

Version 3 [9th June 2017]

- NEW - Secondary Sales Taxes
- NEW - Currency Override Per Client, Quote, Project and Invoice
- NEW - Client Tax Reg Numbers on Invoices
- NEW - Per Line Sales Tax on Invoices
- NEW - Disable Partial Invoice Payments per Invoice
- NEW - Currency Symbol Position Setting
- NEW - Dashboard Summary of Outstanding Invoice Totals
- NEW - Income Graphs on Admin Dashboard
- NEW - Invoice Paid Notifications
- NEW - Custom Fields in Support Tickets
- NEW - Custom Support Ticket Status’ and Priorities
- NEW - Sub Tasks
- NEW - Milestones, Tasks and Invoicing in Support Tickets
- NEW - Existing User to Team Member Conversion Tool
- NEW - Responsive Admin Area
- NEW - Improved Responsive Client Dashboard Menu
- NEW - More Task Permissions
- NEW - Client Email Notification Preferences
- NEW - Function to Remove All Data
- NEW - Pending Quote Requests on Admin Dashboard
- NEW - General Project Information Page
- NEW - File Attachments in Quotes and Clients
- NEW - Improved File Viewer on Client Dashboard
- NEW - Task Complete Buttons
- NEW - Hide Completed Tasks in Projects
- NEW - Team Only Notes in Support Tickets
- NEW - Client Access Activity Logs
- NEW - Who’s Online Widget on Admin Dash
- NEW - Disable Gravatars / WP Avatar plugin support
- NEW - Custom Widget Area in Client Dashboard Sidebar
- NEW - Project Manager Assignment in Projects
- NEW - Assign Tasks to Client
- NEW - New, Improved Quote Form Builder
- NEW - Taxonomies in Clients and Projects

Version 2.9.64 [25th February 2017]

- REMOVED - Activation requirement

Version 2.9.63 [6th October 2016]

- FIXED - Datatables translation issues on Frontend
- FIXED - Issue with overwriting Milestone Templates
- FIXED - Issue in translation of frontend quote form
- FIXED - Admin menu appearing on CQPIM login page for some installations
- FIXED - Tax not being added correctly to recurring invoices
- FIXED - Biyearly Recurring Invoice issue
- FIXED - Updated password reset tag in emails to CQPIM Reset Process

Version 2.9.62 [10th July 2016]

- FIXED - Fixed missing translations
- FIXED - Various bug fixes

Version 2.9.61 [10th May 2016]

- FIXED - Fixed various translation issues & Updated PO files
- FIXED - Update mPDF asset
- FIXED - Left align all tables
- FIXED - Replacement patterns when admin raises support ticket
- FIXED - php-imap asset generates errors

Version 2.9.6 [22nd April 2016]

- FIXED - Issue with Visual Editors - Upgraded jQuery UI to 1.11.4

Version 2.9.5 [14th April 2016]

- NEW - Attachment Support for Email Piping

- FIXED - Dashboard Logo overlap
- FIXED - Call Gravatars from Secure URL
- FIXED - Untranslatable "Back to project" link in Tasks
- FIXED - Roles & Permissions deleted when deactivating plugin

Version 2.9.1 [2nd April 2016]

- FIXED - Admin file uploads in support tickets
- FIXED - Disabled sales tax in client not reflecting in invoices

Version 2.9 [31st March 2016]

- NEW - Email Piping on Tasks & Support Tickets

Version 2.8.51 [29th March 2016]

- FIXED - System sends multiple emails when raising support tickets

Version 2.8.5 [18th March 2016]

- NEW - Improved Client Dashboard (CQPIM Theme Only)
- NEW - Ajax Login
- NEW - Custom Ajax Password Reset
- NEW - Ajax Task/Ticket update
- NEW - Ajax File Uploader in Tasks & Tickets
- NEW - Company Branding on Login and Dashboard (CQPIM Theme Only)
- CHANGE - Ticket assignee can be left blank
- FIXED - Manual time entry on task adds twice
- FIXED - Alerts showing that tickets need attention when they are resolved
- FIXED - Delete ticket permissions fixed
- FIXED - Admin resolved ticket switcher not working
- FIXED - Missing descriptions on quote forms
- FIXED - Ticket/Task notifications sending to updater
- FIXED - Client settings aren't translatable

Version 2.8.1 [8th March 2016]

- FIXED - Bug in Project Milestones

Version 2.8 [3rd March 2016]

- NEW - Tax Settings Per Client
- NEW - Admin ability to create Support Tickets
- NEW - Show Support Tickets in Admin Client Area
- NEW - Ability to Set Default Ticket Assignee Per Client
- NEW - Client Access Permissions
- NEW - Milestone and Task Templates
- NEW - Ability to Edit/Delete Partial Invoice Payments
- NEW - Ability to add comments to Partial Invoice Payments
- NEW - Visually Improved Admin Dashboard Summary Page
- NEW - Ability to Disable Invoice Section
- NEW - Drag & Drop Milestone and Task Ordering
- NEW - Reference/Info Field on Manual Payment Entry

Version 2.7.71 [18th December 2015]

- FIXED - Quote Forms delete fields when updating with no changes made
- FIXED - Team members can be added twice
- FIXED - Punctuation in quote form labels breaks form
- FIXED - Colorbox issue in Quote Forms with WP 4.4

Version 2.7.7 [16th December 2015]

- FIXED - WP 4.4 Admin Bar Issue
- FIXED - WP 4.4 Admin CSS Issue
- FIXED - WP 4.4 Admin Colorbox Issue

Version 2.7.6 [24th November 2015]

- FIXED - Bug in Quote Forms
- FIXED - Print views of contracts, quotes and invoices looping in some themes

Version 2.7.5 [17th November 2015]

- NEW - Project & Invoicing Workflow Customisation
- Change - Added biyearly recurring invoice
- Fixed - Issue with quote form builder not appearing in Admin
- Fixed - Partial invoice payments currency bug
- Fixed - Calendar breaks if task with no dates is added
- Fixed - Company Number tag not working (%%COMPANY_NUMBER%%)
- Fixed - Inconsistent styling on invoice postcode field
- Fixed - Inability to delete roles
- Fixed - Unstyled admin bar appearing on CQPIM Login page
- Fixed - Infinite AJAX loop when adding tasks to project with no deadline
- Fixed - Some emails not sending from support tickets

Version 2.7.2 [10th October 2015]

Various Bug Fixes

Version 2.7.1 [5th October 2015]

- Fixed - Issues with jQuery UI error (causing some functionality to break)

Version 2.7 [2nd October 2015]

WARNING: Updating to CQPIM 2.7 includes a process that converts dates to timestamps. We highly recommend you back up your database before upgrading.

- New - Improved Tasks System
- New - Customisable Date Formats
- New - Client Dashboard logout redirect setting
- New - Added custom CSS setting for built in client dash
- New - Added status filter on tasks pages
- New - Separated admin all tasks view
- New - Bulk operations for sending invoices/mark as paid/unpaid
- New - Improved support tickets with assignment & files
- New - Improved Admin/Team Member Dashboard
- New - Team Member Calendars
- New - Configurable URLs for Invoices/Projects/Quotes/Support Tickets & Tasks
- New - Partial invoice payments
- New - Create CQPIM client from existing User action
- Change - Removed active theme styles from built in client dash
- Change - Changed "delete client" option to give option of unlinking user first

Version 2.6 [25th August 2015]

- New - New Client Dashboard Summary Page
- New - Client Dashboard Alerts
- New - Quote Form Builder (Anonymous Frontend and Client Dashboard)
- New - Client Dashboard theme Switcher (Built in or current active theme)
- New - Multiple contacts for clients & Client managed users
- New - Ability for Clients to update their details
- New - Stripe Integration
- New - Ability to add and choose from multiple contract terms
- Fixed - Various bug fixes

Version 2.5.3 [4th August 2015]

- Fixed - Issue in PayPal Payments

Version 2.5.1 [30th July 2015]

- Fixed - Issue with sequential invoice numbers

Version 2.5 [15th July 2015]

- New - i18n and po/mo Files for translations
- Change - Responsive Client Dashboard

Version 2.2.2 [8th July 2015]

- New - Redesigned Client Dashboard

Version 2.2 [30th June 2015]

- New - Extra frequencies on Recurring Invoices
- New - Extra Term options to Invoice Terms
- New - Task Timers on Tasks Page
- New - PayPal Invoice Payments
- New - jQuery DataTables to all plugin Tables
- New - PDF Attachments to Invoice emails
- Change - Improvements to Client Dashboard & Login

Version 2.1 [22nd June 2015]

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 2.0.2 to 2.1, then you need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin to enable the cron job that checks for recurring invoices.

- Fixed - Small bug in Invoice repeater fields
- Fixed - Error in PHP 5.4
- New   - Recurring Invoices/Monthly Billing Options
- New   - Ability to create Ad-Hoc Projects not related to Clients
- New   - Clone/Duplicate Quote & Project Function

Version 2.0.2 [16th June 2015]

- New   - Added Standalone Tasks Page with "Time Spent" Column
- Fixed - Datepicker issue in task edit modal

Version 2.0.1 [15th June 2015]

- New   - Added Support Tickets
- Fixed - Minor Bug Fixes